Spa Skincare Product at Stone Table

Welcome to AryaVedic

Discover the science of life at AryaVedic, founded by Komona Govender. After years in the medical aesthetic ​industry, Komona's journey led her to the natural, holistic approaches of Ayurveda. She studied at a renowned ​Ayurvedic Centre in Kerala, India, and now brings you customized solutions for skin and body wellness.

Experience the unique blend of results-driven treatments in a serene environment. AryaVedic bridges the gap ​between modern aesthetics and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, ensuring your mind and body are in harmony. Join ​us on a journey to relaxation and rejuvenation.

About Us

Our Story

AryaVedic was founded by Komona Govender, after years in the medical ​aesthetic industry, she developed a keen interest in researching highly ​effective and natural approaches in the treatment of skin and body ​conditions. After studying through a prominent Ayurvedic Centre in Kerala, ​India, Komona has customised and curated an ideal solution for a myriad of ​conditions. AryaVedic bridges the gap between a results driven approach to ​concerns whilst creating a calm, and tranquil environment.

Our Philosophy

Ayurvedic studies show that when the mind and body is in a deep state of ​relaxation, it will be more receptive towards targeted treatments. ​AYURVEDIC translates into ‘science of life’. It is important to remember that ​many skin and medical conditions stem from an imbalance in each person's ​Dosha constitution. The ‘science of life' approach utilises a traditional ​holistic way of ensuring each person's balance. Once an overall balance is ​maintained, skin health will reach its optimum.


Ayurvedic Detox Program

Embrace a new you with our four-week Ayurvedic Detox Program. This comprehensive program includes:

Consultation and Dosha ​diagnosis.

Personalized eating ​guidelines based on Dosha ​philosophy.

Breathing techniques, and ​meditation.

Treatments like Udvartana, ​Abhyanga, and Shirodhara.


Ayurvedic Specialised Facials - 60 Minutes

Acne, Pigmentation, Rosacea / Atopic skins / Aging concerns / Dry / Dehydrated.

AryaVedic has curated specific protocols to ensure corrective treatment of many ​conditions. Each facial begins with a focused relaxation technique combining deep ​breathing and specific pressure points.

Treatments include: Vardak deep cleansing, Lodhra Vach face packs or Abhisarini face ​packs to degrease the skin and reduce build up of dead skin. Turmeric and Saffron to ​reduce inflammation and provide anti-bacterial effects. Sandalwood and mint to ​enhance complexion and reduce P-acne bacteria. KumKumadi de-pigmenting elixir, ​Himalayan clay for gentle resurfacing, Tumeric ointment for depigmenting and ​brightening. Carrot oil, amla, and almond extract for skin brightening. Frankincense and ​rosewood extract for treatment of PIH. Bakuchi oil stimulates production of collagen ​and elastic whilst tightening the skin. Gotu-Kola is used to enhance collagen synthesis. ​Camphor oil treatment to reduce irritation, reduce inflammation and improves overall ​skin appearance.

Each facial consists of a Kansa wand facial massage with cold pressed Peach oil as ​well as a lip scrub and mask curated with pomegranate and rose.


SHIRODHARA Directly translates to HEAD-FLOW. Shirodhara combines the use ​of various natural and medicated oils which are poured over the scalp and ​forehead area. This provides a soothing and calming sensation on the muscles ​of the head. The oils pass through the superficial peripheral nerves of the ​forehead to the brain. By soothing the hypothalamus, it regulates activity of the ​pituitary glands and can assist in treatment of Insomnia, Headaches, Migraines. ​Shirodhara stimulates many different points around the head area and increases ​blood circulation. Warm oils case vasodilation in the blood vessels improving ​circulation to the brain, this can help to improve concentration level and enhance ​memory (exceptionally effective for kids). Shirodhara stabilises mood, and ​feelings of well-being and happiness, also highly effective in treating depression, ​anxiety and stress. Other conditions treated by Shirodhara include Fibromyalgia, ​Muscle aches/pains, Poor blood circulation, and Fatigue/ Lethargy.

Marma Point Therapy

In Ayurvedic medicine, marma points are anatomical locations in your body ​where a concentration of life energy exists. Marma points are said to contain the ​three doshas: vata (air and space), kapha (earth and water), and pitta (fire and ​water). It’s believed to release stagnant energy and stimulate your internal ​organs, hormones, and other chemicals to help meet the needs of your body. ​Marma points therapy is done by gently stimulating the marma points around ​your body through massage therapy. Marma therapy has an immediate healing ​and relaxing effect on the body when used as a treatment for others or as a self-​treatment. Marma therapy involves subtle, and sometimes a more profound ​touch on marma points. The touch can bring about immense healing and ​rejuvenation.

Abhyanga Massage

Abhyanga ("oil massage") is a form of Ayurvedic therapy that involves massage ​of the entire body from the head to the toe with Dosha-specific warm herb-​infused oil. The oil is commonly pre-mixed with herbs for specific conditions. ​Benefits of Abhyanga include nourishing the entire body and decreasing the ​effects of aging.

Therapist Pouring Massage Oil at Spa


Udvartana is a treatment in Ayurveda in which massage is done over the body. It is a ​treatment used to support weight loss or detoxification programs. In Sanskrit, the word ​Udvartana means “to move something in an upward direction”. This refers to the upward ​direction of the strokes used during the massage. The brisk massage techniques ​combined with the penetrating herbs create heat in the body to help decrease lethargy, ​release toxins, reduce fluid retention, and increase circulation.

There are two types of Udvartana, and the ingredients used vary according to the condition:

Snigdha Udvartana — Ayurvedic Paste Massage. This treatment begins by massaging warm ​herbalised oils into the body to prepare the skin for the herbal paste application. The ​heated herbal paste is then applied to the body with fast upward massage strokes.

Ruksha Udvartana — Ayurvedic Powder Massage. The heated herbal powder is applied to ​the body with fast upward massage strokes. As this is a dry massage, herbal oil isn't ​applied during the treatment.

Ayurvedic Detox Program

Detoxification is needed for many different reasons. Toxins build up in the body and ​mind. Ayurvedic philosophy on detoxification is to use a combination of mind and ​body. The initial program is a 4-week programme which includes a consultation, ​dosha diagnosis, eating guideline based on dosha philosophy, breathing techniques, ​yoga, meditation, Udvartana, Abhyanga, and Shirodhara. The detox programme ​assists clients struggling with excess weight, water retention, stubborn fat, cellulite, ​lack of energy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and chronic medication. This programme is ​designed to easily fit into your schedule. Prices are based on individual programmes. ​Please contact us directly for quotes.

Consult a doctor
Massage stones

Other Treatments

Ayurvedic Herbal Poutlice massage ​(Kizhi therapy)

Kizhi therapy is a deep ayurvedic massage that ​is done with Kizhi (poultice), filled with a variety ​of herbal mixtures, herbal powders and ​medicines, medicinal rice or sand. The kizhi is ​heated in lukewarm herbal oil for treatment and ​massaged over the affected area or the whole ​body if required

Ayurvedic wellness consultations

Dosha diagnosis, pulse diagnosis​, tongue and body analysis. Detailed consulta​tion which allows for accurate guide on an ​individuals ideal daily routine and recommen​dations for a healthier lifestyle.

Customised protocols and treatments offered ​for the following medical conditions

Chronic constipation / IBS

Obesity/ Excess weight

Pcos / hormonal imbalances

Chronic pain

Chronic fatigue syndrome/ lethargy

Depression / Anxiety

Burn out / Stress


What Our Clients Say

“Shirodara with Komona has helped me cope with stress and improved mental clarity . It has also been great for hair nourishment . Komona’s accompanying Marma point massage ​further enhances the process -

D Naidoo

My experience with Shrirodhara with Komona was comforting and quieting. Me being a physiotherapist and understanding the benefits of stimulation of the vagus nerve , shirodhara ​as well as other aryuvedic treatment is a valuable adjunct to treatment for chronic pain. Komona is knowledgeable and an excellent therapist.”


“If you are searching for an escape from the chaos of daily life, the Shirodhara treatment is not just a spa treatment; it's a journey into profound relaxation and rejuvenation. The gentle ​scent of essential oils filled the air, immediately calmed my senses, and prepared me for the blissful experience ahead.

The continuous stream of warm, herb-infused oil poured rhythmically onto my forehead and as the oil cascaded down in a steady flow, I felt a profound sense of relaxation enveloping ​me, melting away stress and worries with each passing moment. With each passing minute, I could feel my mind drifting into a state of blissful tranquillity, free from the hustle and ​bustle of the outside world.

As the treatment came to an end, I reluctantly emerged from my state of deep relaxation, feeling as though I had been transported to a place of pure serenity. My skin felt supple and ​rejuvenated, my mind clear and focused, and my spirit uplifted.”

- Prenesha

“Going to Komona always makes me feel better

She is extremely professional as well as such a caring person.

It was my first time doing a shirodhara treatment, and let me tell you, it was a really good experience. Super relaxing and I immediately felt better afterwards.

A must try in my opinion”


“I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a Shirodhara treatment at AryaVedic, and it was truly transformative. From the moment I walked in, the warm and inviting atmosphere set ​the tone for a deeply relaxing experience. Komona was exceptionally professional and attentive, ensuring I felt comfortable and well-cared for throughout the session.” The ​Shirodhara treatment itself was extraordinary. The gentle stream of warm, herbal oil poured over my forehead created a sensation of profound calm and relaxation. It was unlike ​anything I have ever experienced – soothing my mind and easing my stress. I left feeling rejuvenated, balanced, and with a clear sense of mental clarity. AryaVedic offers a unique and ​authentic approach to wellness, combining traditional Ayurvedic practices with modern comfort. I highly recommend their Shirodhara treatment to anyone seeking a holistic and ​deeply relaxing experience. This small business truly understands the art of healing and provides an exceptional service that is both luxurious and therapeutic. I can't wait to return for ​another session!”


“Somewhere between deep sleep and meditation, this was truly a transcendental experience that leaves you fully relaxed and plugged in. In this fast paced life, I would definitely ​recommend this.

Thank you Komona for bringing this age old technique to our doorstep and allowing us to reap the benefits.”

-Dr Daveshan Padayachee

Contact Us

We are here to help you on your journey to wellness.

Visit us at one of our convenient locations:

Johannesburg North Branch:165 west street

Third floor , Unit 0 Sandton

Johannesburg South Branch

61 Mount Pellan Drive, Glenvista



078 099 9385

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